Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

lobus posterior cerebelli

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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
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Level 3 cerebellum Short Extended
Current level lobus posterior cerebelli
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
72252 5717 tax
lobus posterior cerebelli
posterior lobe of cerebellum
72259 9194 tax
pars posterior vermis
posterior part of vermis of cerebellum
83887 5719 tax
declive (par) ; lobulus VI (par)
declive (pair) ; lobule VI (pair)
83889 5722 tax
folium (par) ; lobulus VIIA (par)
folium (pair) ; lobule VIIA (pair)
83890 5728 tax
tuber (par) ; lobulus VIIB (par)
tuber (pair) ; lobule VIIB (pair)
83888 5731 tax
pyramis (par) ; lobulus VIII (par)
pyramis (pair) ; lobule VIII (pair)
8273 tax
lobulus HVIIIA (par)
lobule HVIIIA (pair)
8274 tax
lobulus HVIIIB (par)
lobule HVIIIB (pair)
83883 5737 tax
uvula (par) ; lobulus IX (par)
uvula (pair) ; lobule IX (pair)
9038 tax
fissurae lobi posterioris cerebelli (par)
fissures of posterior lobe of cerebellum (pair)
83733 5721 tax
fissura posterior superior (par) ; fissura postclivalis (par)
superior posterior fissure (pair) ; postclival fissure (pair)
75135 5725 tax
fissura horizontalis (par) ; fissura intercruralis (par)
horizontal fissure (pair) ; intercrural fissure (pair)
75137 5727 tax
fissura lunogracilis (par) ; fissura ansoparamediana (par)
lunogracile fissure (pair) ; ansoparamedian fissure (pair)
75138 5730 tax
fissura prebiventralis (par) ; fissura prepyramidalis (par)
prebiventral fissure (pair) ; prepyramidal fissure (pair)
75139 5734 tax
fissura intrabiventralis (par)
intrabiventral fissure (pair)
84043 5736 tax
fissura secundaria (par) ; fissura postpyramidalis (par)
secondary fissure (pair) ; postpyramidal fissure (pair)
72256 9195 tax
pars posterior hemispherii cerebelli (par)
posterior part of cerebellar hemisphere (pair)
256399 5720 tax
lobulus quadrangularis posterior (par) ; lobulus simplex (par) ; lobulus HVI (par)
posterior quadrangular lobule (pair) ; simple lobule (pair) ; lobule HVI (pair)
5723 tax
lobuli semilunares (par) ; lobuli ansiformes (par) ; lobuli HVIIA (par)
semilunar lobules (pair) ; ansiform lobules (pair) ; lobules HVIIA (pair)
72524 5724 tax
lobulus semilunaris superior (par) ; crus I (par) ; lobulus HVIIAa (par)
superior semilunar lobule (pair) ; crus I (pair); lobule HVIIAa (pair)
72525 5726 tax
lobulus semilunaris inferior (par) ; crus II (par) ; lobulus HVIIAb (par)
inferior semilunar lobule (pair) ; crus II (pair); lobule HVIIAb (pair)
72523 5729 tax
lobulus gracilis (par) ; lobulus HVIIB (par)
gracile lobule (pair) ; lobule HVIIB (pair)
72526 5732 tax
lobulus biventer (par) ; lobulus HVIII (par)
biventral lobule (pair) ; lobule HVIII (pair)
77202 5733 tax
pars lateralis lobuli biventris (par) ; lobulus HVIIIA (par)
lateral part of biventral lobule of cerebellum (pair) ; lobule HVIIIA (pair)
77203 5735 tax
pars medialis lobuli biventris (par) ; lobulus HVIIIB (par)
medial part of biventral lobule of cerebellum (pair) ; lobule HVIIIB (pair)
83464 5738 tax
tonsilla cerebelli (par) ; lobulus HIX (par)
tonsil of cerebellum (pair) ; lobule HIX (pair)
9202 tax
paraflocculus accessorius (par)
accessory paraflocculus (pair)
27 lines
92.6 %
92.6 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Recent data suggest that the Tonsilla is comparable to the Dorsal paraflocculus, and the Paraflocculus accessorius to the Ventral paraflocculus (see Voogd and Ruigrok 2012). The Paraflocculus accessorius forms part of Lobule HIX.
See note # 5738
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 5717
Number of children 76 (validated)
Number of units 27 (validated)
Signature 12244 (validated since 18.4.2018)
Date: 15.03.2025